Misdemeanor/Felony Defense

We represent people who have found themselves to be the target of a criminal investigation or prosecution.

Criminal law and procedure is a very complex area of practice that requires a nuanced understanding of constitutional and statutory law, evidence, and investigations. You want to hire a trial attorney who has a demonstrable record of success. Some cases should be pled out, some cases should go to trial, and some cases should be resolved by other means. Regardless of what path your case should take for resolution, there is a wide array of measures that an experienced trial attorney can take to increase the chances of a successful outcome. Whether that means a skilled investigator needs to be hired on your case to hunt down favorable facts for our side or your case requires more rigorous legal analysis and motions filed for oral arguments, we will know how to guide your case and navigate through the rough waters of our criminal justice system.

We maintain a special focus on self-defense cases where the alleged defendant was actually the victim of unlawful force and used self defense in order to avoid serious physical injury or even death.

However, beyond this, we routinely take on cases ranging from misdemeanor thefts and traffic offenses ranging all the way to certain major felony and Measure 11 crimes. 

When you are under investigation or formally charged with a crime, you have a lot of constitutional rights that are triggered; rights that are designed to protect you while the government targets you for a criminal prosecution. It is important for you to remember that the government carries the burden of showing you committed a crime, not the other way around. 

You need not talk to the police and should talk to an attorney before you say or do anything.

Practice Areas


The criminal offenses listed above are often viewed by our society as very alarming, and indicative of dangerousness. Mere allegations alone can be enough to destroy your reputation and life. However, the truth is that so many people are accused of committing criminal offenses based on fairly thin evidence, if any good evidence at all. We place our faith and trust in law enforcement to conduct thorough, and fair, investigations. Unfortunately, however, they do not always do so. The police, like the rest of us, make mistakes and can otherwise fail to remain thorough and impartial when investigating crimes. When law enforcement responds to a report of a criminal episode, they may get tunnel vision and assume things about a set of circumstances that may not actually be accurate; they may also fail to follow up on important information that could negate the guilt of an accused. Ultimately, it is critical for our society to remember that the presumption of innocence in the American system of justice is extremely essential to the society that any of us would want to live in.

What Do I Do If I Have Been Arrested or Charged With a Crime?



Remember to always remain calm. It can understandably cause a lot of anxiety and stress to be the target of a criminal prosecution, but it will be in your best interest to stay focused on the issues ahead.


Remember to always save any tangible evidence you have that can help your case and talk to any witnesses who might be helpful in the event you are the target of a criminal prosecution. It is important to do these things before the passage of time results in important evidence being lost and/or memories fading. 


Never, ever talk to law enforcement before consulting with an attorney. It is important to understand that the police, while just doing their job, do not have your best interest at heart if they are investigating you or charging you with a criminal offense.


Never, ever allow law enforcement to search you, your home, or your personal effects. As stated above, the police do not have your best interest at heart if they are investigating you or charging you for a criminal offense. Ask law enforcement to return with a warrant if they desire to conduct a search, and always obtain a copy of the warrant for your records.


Find and hire an attorney to represent you to take on all the stress and work of such an event off your shoulders. At Becker Law, LLC, we pride ourselves as being more accessible and attentive to our clients than most other law firms out there. We are truly aggressive and will not allow you to be taken advantage of by the government.

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