Drunk Driver Injuries

We represent people who are injured as a result of bars, restaurants, and nightclubs serving alcohol to visibly intoxicated drivers.

Unfortunately, drunk driving crashes take place throughout our society, oftentimes with devastating consequences. In many instances, the drunk driver just departed from a dram shop where they were overserved by an employee of the business. A dram shop includes bars, restaurants, nightclubs, and any other commercial establishment that sells alcohol. The term derives from when these establishments traditionally sold spirits by the dram, a small unit of alcohol roughly the size of a shot. Oregon law holds establishments that serve alcohol to a high standard to ensure that patrons are not being overserved. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission mandates that anyone who serves alcohol and their supervisors must go through training and be licensed to do so in a responsible manner. 

Unfortunately, despite the licensing and training requirements, these establishments will often serve visibly intoxicated persons despite knowing that it is illegal to do so. This has directly led to DUII-related fatalities and injuries and the irreparable harm that such events cause. When these establishments fail to adhere to the law, the rest of society pays a big price. 

Oregon law allows anyone injured by such an event to sue the establishment that provided alcohol to the driver who caused the injury. If you have been injured in a DUII-related crash that was fueled by this type of negligence, you have very little time to put the establishment on notice of your intent to bring a cause of action. After you meet the notice requirement, these cases still present challenges that only an experienced trial attorney will know how to take on. We have the experience and ability to present a compelling case and meet a high legal burden at trial. Contact us today to talk about a potential claim.

What Do I Do If I Have Been Injured?



If you have been injured in a crash by a driver who might be under the influence, always make sure to retrieve the adverse driver’s identification, contact information, and insurance cards. It is critical to try to have someone question the driver as to where they just came from right before the crash. 911 needs to be called immediately, and first responders need to make contact with you to evaluate the scene and your injuries. This is also critical to do in the event that the driver who hit you flees the scene and the incident turns into a hit-and-run investigation.


Always remember to do your best to have photographs taken of the scene from all angles, the vehicles involved, and any injuries you or your loved one have sustained.


Always try your best to identify any and all third-party witnesses who were on scene and assisting the parties involved. It is best to gather their full names and contact numbers along with their perspectives as witnesses to the incident. Additionally, if you have identified the business that served alcohol to the driver who caused the injury, start investigating the business online and otherwise to see if you can find out more information about its activities.


Always report the incident to your own insurance company as soon as reasonably possible. However, never agree to a recorded interview with any insurance company, whether your own or otherwise, prior to consulting with and hiring an attorney. It is also important to never guess about or downplay your injuries when talking to insurance adjusters. You will also want to ensure that the DMV has been notified anytime anyone is injured in a motor vehicle crash.


Find and hire an attorney to represent you to take on all the stress and work of such an event off your shoulders. At Becker Law, LLC, we pride ourselves as being more accessible and attentive to our clients than most other law firms out there. We are truly aggressive and will not allow you to be taken advantage of by adverse parties and insurance companies.

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